Virtual Innovation
A free tool in the fight against opioid deaths
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2. Click “View Video” & Press Play
3. Place your mobile device in a VR viewer (e.g., Google Cardboard)
About this project
Intranasal naloxone (Narcan®) can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose in fewer than five minutes. In most states, it’s available without a prescription, carried by most major pharmacy chains, and covered by many different types of insurance. To prevent opioid overdose deaths, community members need to carry and be prepared to use Narcan ®.
Virtual Innovation offers a free 8 minute opioid overdose reversal training designed by nurses and researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in partnership with community stakeholders. Thanks to the generous support of Independence Blue Cross Foundation, this website offers overdose reversal training, along with flyers, brochures, and other materials for your community, free to use and share.
Learn how to obtain Naloxone at
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“One simulation center alone isn’t going to crack this issue. All health disciplines working together, talking through this with innovative ideas, is the only way to address this public-health priority.”
Read about us in the news
The FDA-approved nasal spray, Narcan, can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose—real or suspected—in fewer than five minutes. It’s available without a prescription, carried by most major pharmacy chains, and covered by many different types of insurance. In theory, it’s available to just about anyone. The problem, however, is that most people don’t know about it or, if they do, they’re unfamiliar with how to use it or what to do after it’s administered.
Researchers from Penn’s School of Nursing and Annenberg School for Communication want to change that with an eight minute virtual reality Narcan training session they created. A recent pilot study showed it’s as effective as in-person simulation training for health care providers. And in the future, a shorter version geared toward a more general audience could become accessible using only a cell phone and an inexpensive viewer like Google Cardboard.
About Us
We are a team of nurses and researchers from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing and Annenberg School for Communication working with collaborators from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health.
Read our published research on this topic here:
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